Celebrating photography! 20 years Nederlands Fotomuseum

Verjaardag Peter Molkenboer © Kees Molkenboer / Nederlands Fotomuseum

This year Nederlands Fotomuseum will be celebrating its 20th anniversary. We will celebrate it not alone, we are celebrating it with you. Are you coming to our big photo party? From July 8th  to 10 September 10th  you will discover the collection in a way you have never seen it before. A vibrant summer program with summer classes, children’s activities, summer evenings and of course photos… lots and lots of photos.

We will make a toast together to our Gallery of Dutch Photography, treat you all to delicious images and last but not least, the photo polonaise cannot be missed. For this party, more than 1200 photos +1 images that the public has added to the Gallery of Dutch Photography as its hundredth photo over the past two years will be highlighted. There will also be three other exhibitions. By the Fotobond, a Dutch Photography Platform. Theater Rotterdam, who organized a photo competition around the performance of The Story of Travis. And ‘Getekend door het leven’ will be present. They let young people tell their stories through tattoos, poetry and photography.

The Gallery of Honour, that’s you!
The Gallery of Honour contains 99 photos, carefully selected by an independent committee. But those who choose always leave something out. That is why there is one blank frame in the Gallery of Honour. As a symbol of what has not been noticed, appreciated, chosen. And what that symbol is, you decide! In this exhibition, we show – for the first time – all the images added to the Gallery of Honour by visitors over the past two years: the +1 images. Come and see them, arrange them, move them and create your own story.
Add another image yourself? In the Gallery of Honour, you can upload a digital image via the app, which will instantly appear on the screen.

Summer Nights @ Nederlands Fotomuseum
Experience the museum from a completely different angle. The museum will open for four summer nights its doors for a festive program. We celebrate the versatility of photography through talks, music, performances and creativity. Wander through the exhibitions, put yourself in a snapshot, listen to fascinating talks and enjoy the photographs. Special guests has been invited for each summer night.

Summer classes
For all photographers, photography students and enthusiasts, we are organizing four summer classes. These will be given by Dutch photographer Marwan Magroun (July 13th), photographer/skateboarder Marcel Veldman (July 27th), photographer Annette Behrens (August 10th) and photographer/image editor Angela Tellier (August 24th). In about two hours, the photographer will take you into his/her photography practice. You will also be photographing by yourself. Don’t forget to bring your camera!

Don’t forget to bring your camera! So come along this summer and let’s celebrate photography!

General Information
– From July 8th  to September 10th, open from Monday to Sunday from 11 am to 5 pm.
– Summer evening @ Nederlands Fotomuseum on July 13th , July 27th , August 10th  and August 24th, from 6 to 10 pm.
– Summer classes on July 13th , July 27th , August 10th  and August 24th, from 4 to 6/6.30 pm.

For more information, visit our website: