Every year, more than 16 million plants at home, die in the Netherlands

The Dutch love plants and have an average of thirteen plants at home. Nevertheless, taking care of them appears to be a major challenge and the lack of knowledge causes plants to die every year in 61% of Dutch households. Keep all your houseplants alive with these care tips from Pokon.

Recent research by Pokon shows that more than 99% of the Dutch people have plants at home. During the Covid crisis, the popularity of indoor plants has grown enormously. Yet it is in the care of the plants that things go wrong regularly.

Too little knowledge about plant care
The study also shows that an average of two plants per household die per year. Too much or too little watering appears to be the biggest culprit in plant death. The wrong location for this specific plant, causing it to receive too much or too little light, is also frequently mentioned. Nevertheless, many plant owners have no idea why their plant has failed.

The vast majority of those surveyed indicate they need more advice and knowledge. The most frequently mentioned solution they envision is an app with plant care advice, followed by a water level meter and books about plants. Facebook groups or forums are also solutions suggested by the respondents.

Five tips for plant care in winter

  1. Most green (non-flowering) plants need less water in winter, because they are in winter rest. If you normally water once a week, once every two weeks is sufficient during this period. It’s ok if the soil is a bit dry!
    2. Due to the winter rest, green (non-flowering) plants do not need food in the winter.
  2. Make sure your plant is not too close to the heating system. This can make them dry out and even burn.
  3. Sunlight is beneficial to most plants. The light ensures that your indoor plants remain strong and survive the winter well. So, check carefully whether your plant gets enough daylight and move it where necessary.
  4. Don’t repot for a while! The plant goes into winter rest for autumn and winter, so allow it to rest. It is best to repot in the spring.

Want to know more about the best care for your plants?

Check www.pokon.nl for more tips, tricks and information.